Monday, February 21, 2011

Japanese Rice Trade Policy

The negative effects of Japans rice protection are not limited to the domestic market alone. Virtually every economy involved in rice trading has felt adverse effects from the Japanese policies. As a specific case study, this report will look the welfare effects felt by Burma, a small rice-exporting country in Southeast Asia.

Rice Trade offer - new

Trade Leads - buy & sell

Friday, February 18, 2011

Rice par-boiling

Rice, which is grown on a large irrigated area  is an important Kharif crop. Rice par-boiling is a process that
adds more value to the rice. After par-boiling the ordinary milling process is applied to the paddy. Parboiling of rice is a process in which rice paddy is pre-cooked before milling. The usual steps involved are Soaking, Cooking, Drying and Milling. During husking the rice is removed from the husk, while the rice is further refined through different machines, during the polishing process. The objective of this post is to provide information about an investment opportunity for setting up a Par-boiledRice processing unit.

Value added product from Rice

Paddy is cleaned and graded to remove , impurities and then it is soaked in hot water for about 45 minutes. After drying it is roasted, to make flakes. These flakes are passed through sieves to remove uneven and unwanted, materials and to obtain flakes of fairly even size. Finally, they are packed in polythene bags.
During the process, yield of even sized flakes is around 80%, 10% is wastage and production loss and balance 10% is bran which has market.