Friday, May 26, 2017

Bangladesh state grains buyer plans to import 600,000 tonnes of rice

Who is the AUTHORITY to contact?
Director General of Food
Director General (C.C.), Directorate of Food, Dhaka
Md. Badrul Hasan
Director General
Residence: 02-9556067

Who is Rice importing Authority in Phillipines?

National Food Authority (NFA)
in Phillipines with the approval of NFA Council will  initiate the action
National Food Authority
 Address: Philippine Sugar Center Building, North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City
 Metro Manila  1101

The NFA is mandated to maintain a 15-day buffer stock at any given time and a minimum of 30 days during the lean harvest season from July to September.

The council will also finalise the import terms for up to 805,000 tonnes of rice that local private traders will bring in under an annual quota scheme, which should ensure supply even during the typhoon season

Philippines to import 250,000 tonnes of rice in June

The Philippines, one of the world's top rice buyers, will issue a tender to import 250,000 tonnes of the grain next month, to boost low stockpiles before the lean harvest season and to offset potential crop damage during the typhoon season.

The tender is open to private traders in major exporters Thailand and Vietnam as well as other countries including top supplier India and Pakistan, the National Food Authority (NFA), the state grains buyer, said on Monday.
 more here

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Indonesia Rice Imports 2017

Indonesia, the world’s third-largest consumer and producer of rice, is forecast to import only
500,000 tons in 2017, a 50-percent reduction from 2016 levels due to an anticipated rebound in
production. Indonesian production meets most of its domestic demand, with imports only
accounting for shortfalls and to source fragrant varieties. Although imports constitute a small
amount of overall supplies, Indonesia’s relative absence in the thinly-traded rice market has
significant impacts on its key suppliers. Forecasted 2017 imports are expected at the lowest level
since 2009, when the country brought in a meager 250,000 tons.

Thailand and Vietnam are the primary suppliers of rice to Indonesia. In recent years, Vietnam
has supplied the majority, but with affordable old crop supplies, Thailand has gained market
share. With ample supplies in both countries, there is likely to be stiff competition to fulfill the
Indonesian market
Although not a traditional exporter, Indonesia is now setting ambitious export targets given its
sufficient domestic supplies. Despite these efforts to export, Indonesia is expected to remain a
net importer.