Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Taiwan:Rice, Wheat...situation outlook

Wheat, Corn, Rice, Milled Corn, Wheat, Rice Situation & Outlook Grain and Feed Taipei Taiwan 6/8/2009Taiwan is a net importer of wheat and corn. A significant decrease in wheat consumption has been observed driven by high world wheat prices and the abundance domestic rice to act as a substitute for imported wheat. Taiwan’s wheat import forecasts for MY08/09 and MY09/10 are one million mt representing a 180,000 mt or 14 percent decrease from last year. The U.S. wheat import share is anticipated at 85 percent. Corn import forecasts for MY08/09 and MY09/10 are both 4.32 million metric tons, a...Commodity Report_GRAIN AND FEED ANNUAL_Taipei_Taiwan_5-18-2009.pdf